Artificial Intelligence and Lotto

Artificial Intelligence and Lotto Software



Artificial Intelligence Software

Fill in latest records on top. Use at least 10 records. Processing may take sometime. Refresh your browser everytime.
When processing is over, most problable numbers will be on top.
Refresh browser each time and fill in your data.


This new version cannot process huge amounts of data, due to browser limitations. 50 records may take around 5 minutes. To use just follow these simple instructions:

It is very important to configure this parameter the right way and type the lastest records on top. In the example the first line: 7,8,15,24,42 it is the lastest draw. When you click on the "Submit" button a list of numbers will appear, the most probable numbers will be on top.


Please note, that there no guaranties with this software, it is only experimental for a game, when playing always set yourself limits.
Remember to play for fun only. I've created this software because I am a passionate of programming, algorithms
I love to challenge the impossible, to find something that resists me ... and I never stop until I find better than all that exists.

And it's free

Yes, you can use it as much as you want, you only need to copy and paste your drawings and go!

If you like this software, then you can buy me a drink using the simple Paypal mean. Any amount will be welcome.

If you have the time send me some constructive feedback